Tuesday, 3 June 2008

Into The Third Week

Yes week three and I’m still not sure what’s going on with my would-be job. This is the longest time I've been on standby. No news is good news? Well yes, it might be better than knowing it’s officially over. Hope you enjoyed that little taste of living your dream. Now if you don’t mind, please go away.

I was struck by this week’s horoscope reading care of my local newspaper:

Uninformative as the chaos around you, and within, that you’re experiencing seems, by June’s second half, you’ll recognize just how many seemingly insurmountable issues you’ve overcome. Tuesday’s Gemini New Moon offers unaccustomed insights to even the most resistant of dilemmas. They come at a price, and that’s being still long enough to face these in their entirety.

It’s weird how “accurate” they can be/feel. Mind you I’m still waiting for Tuesday’s unaccustomed insights to my most resistant of dilemmas. Sigh. And it would be good if by the middle of June, my birthday, this whole thing is sorted out. Fingers crossed for the best. “It is all we mortals can do.”

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