Saturday 14 November 2009

Tongue Sandwich

Unfortunately a “tongue sandwich” is not what I thought or hoped it was. I just thought it was another bit of slang for “French kissing.” Nah! Shit...well quite.

tongue sandwich
  1. colloq.
    To lick or suck the anus.
  2. Usually as a prelude to fucking, to lubricate with saliva the anus.
  3. To widen the opening of the anus with the tongue.
    See also: rim
I swear that’s not the context I’ve heard it in. I found one site that said it was kissing with tongues, (what I wanted), but the overwhelming results is for anal-oral sex, primarily amongst gay men. Most sites being “Gay Slang.” Though I’m sure many women do it too to other women or men. Not me though. It is the last thing I’d ever want to do, or for that matter have done to me. That’s just my own personal feelings about the anus and anal related activities. Fingering it or being fingered - no thank you! I just can’t get the shit out of the way.

This is a bit annoying. I thought I had a clever way of discussing an absolutely yummy sandwich I had for lunch with Garry and the kissing that took place afterward. Perhaps another time when I can get my thoughts together.
I am also annoyed that I’m not with it. I thought I was so down with gay culture.


GarryN said...

I would have thought the same thing. Definitely not what happened after lunch that i remember.
Tonsil Hockey might better describe it.

Square Eyes said...

Yes tonsil hockey might be the more acceptable euphemism. I just liked Tongue Sandwich because it tied in with the yummy sandwich you bought me for lunch. I like to be clever. LOL.