I don’t know. There really should be a question mark after that heading. There was a man and woman at work tonight that seemed awfully friendly towards each other. Like if they were a couple that would be okay, but if they were just colleagues some eyebrows may be raised. They were alone at the time, (well obviously I don’t count).
I could hear her laughing a lot but she may have been on the phone. They did seem to get silly together later on. God it’s none of my business but I couldn’t help thinking about it and affairs in general. I found it akin to walking in on your parents. I don’t want to know! I never have walked in on my parents during sex – thank God! I did remember one thing from my childhood though. When we were living in PNG I was in their bedroom and I found scrunched up and used toilet paper and thought what’s that about? It was quite a few years before I worked that out but even with the distance of time I still don’t want to know! I could block some of their playfulness out having the vacuum cleaner on. But I still found it kind of uncomfortable.
I’ve been having problems with my vacuum cleaner lately. It’ll just stop. I have to bend over further than normal and shake the pack on my back. So I’m guessing it could be wiring. Help me Garry! I was thinking about you tonight too. I wonder why? *smirk* Wondering if you could do some maintenance for me after hours. I could show you my storeroom and anything else you might like to see.
No I wouldn’t want to do it at work. A couple of people I’ve met in chat have asked if I have before or suggested they just pop over to “visit” me. There are several reasons why that wouldn’t work. First I work on a floor that is never closed. The parking inspectors work on shifts all day as far as I can tell. Second I don’t see where we could do it. My storeroom is quite small and I have no desire to do it in a disabled toilet or even a regular toilet. No desire is the key. I hate my job and I don’t imagine getting in the mood there. Last of all I’m busy the whole time often working overtime. (Without pay thank you very much!)
I don’t see why there wouldn’t be office romances, illicit or otherwise, going on. I just never thought about it before; my perspective on my workplace has expanded again. Although to be honest I don’t want to think about it either. It gets me to thinking about affairs again and more guiltily my role in them. Needless to say I am very undecided on that topic.
Yes i would be happy to help with your "electrical problem". Can't help with the emotional guilt thing as i haven't worked that out for myself either.
Oh Gross! They are a couple of some sort. I saw them kissing. I still don't know if it's on the sly. I heard her saying she was going interstate in a couple of days to watch footy and he has a photo of a girl that looks to be in primary school or early high school on his cubicle wall.
Fuck! It's none of my business. Perhaps I'm just miffed that I'm not having fun at work. Yeah that's probably it.
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