Less then a week to go now and I might actually get what I really, really, want for my birthday, a new job! I got a call for an interview for a data entry job I don't really remember applying for. That was last Friday. I just missed the call on my mobile and there was a message about a data entry job and to call back if I was still interested. Well easier said than done as the phone number came up as blocked. Luckily for me they also said who the recruiting company was. On a bit of a whim I went online to look the company up and then sent off an email explaining how I missed the call. I really did not expect them to get back to me as you can probably tell:
Sorry to disturb but I got a miss call from a private number then a text message from Garth(?) about an advertising data specialist role. I've been applying to a few places and can't honestly remember this job also I'm not sure if the call was for me or someone called "Benny." I use Seek but can't work out which job it might have been. It's probably all a mistake, sorry. I was seconds from picking up the phone it's just got me curious now.
Lo and behold they did ring back. I admitted again that I didn’t really recall this job having applied to a few recently. I imagine when I did apply I didn’t expect to hear from them. I had a nice little chat with the woman who’d called earlier and she said if I had access to a computer and the Net I could go on to the next stage which was a couple of tests. Speed/Accuracy and a general computer knowledge quiz. It took me a while to get the link and account set up and once I did I found out I needed a printer. Bugger! I sent another email but it was already 5 o’clock by then. I told Terry my dilemma and he offered to pay me back if I went out and bought one over the weekend. Seemed a bit much for me, (she says typing on the new laptop he bought me. I told him he shouldn’t have bought that as well!) My dad ended up buying me a printer/scanner. (Bloody hooked to the scanner! But I’m straying). When I finally took the test on Sunday afternoon I was SURE I had been too slow. So I was down and depressed and feeling quite shitty about going into work on Monday. (I've been feeling shitty and depressed lately anyway. That might sound normal but I mean really down).
I don’t know why it is but I’ve heard back from most of the people I’ve applied to and I only just started looking for work again. Last Friday I had an interview for a casual cleaning job with Spotless, (again!) It’s at a busy city train station and I opted for day shift availability. I don’t know what possessed me. Those are the exact, public, conditions I hate when I’m cleaning. Another whim slash desperation. Besides fucking up and getting there a bit late I think my interview went well. After all I sure know what I’m talking about! I might be hearing from them tomorrow. I assume only if I got the job. I’m okay if I don’t. I want to get away from cleaning! Remember?
Yesterday I went into Red Bee Media for some different tests. They do captioning work, in real time, so you can imagine you'd have to be amazingly fast at typing. I applied for a job here a couple or more years ago and I know what the tests are like. First proofreading of a news story that had been transcribed then a timed test writing captions for a documentary and a drama. I really doubt I’m any faster or better at spelling this time round but I thought I might as well go in.

Anyway I got the call for the data entry interview on the tram ride into Red Bee so that perked me up enormously. I still have my doubts about Red Bee and don't know why I agreed to come in. (Something to do of a Wednesday morning perhaps?) I'm not being negative, rather realistic. I'm not that fast a typist and a pretty shit speller.
Speaking of speed I still can't believe I passed the data entry tests. She said my results were "Fantastic." I'll show up Friday morning only to be told it was all a mistake. They're SO sorry! Can we get you a coffee at least? Okay, that's being negative!!!
Later that Wednesday....

Fantastic news Amy, got my fingers crossed for at least the data entry job but transcribing documentaries would be cool. Is it like transcribing for SBS?
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