Monday, 22 February 2010

Oh Shit!

I had a fairly shitty start to my work day. A classic case of the "Mondays." I just can't stand being there or doing the same old shit everyday. It has been over a year now, more than long enough to try any one's patience. I felt crappy before I got there, (as the Men in my life may have noticed), and I felt crappy once I started. Somehow I got through it. Perhaps because they did steam cleaning today and that cut down dramatically on my vacuuming. (Although truth be told I get pissed off when they steam clean because to my cleaner's eyes I just see so much stuff that they miss).

Anyway! I actually finished on time which is usually a cause for celebration. But no, that's not the best thing to happen to me tonight. Not by a long shot. On my way home from the tram stop I usually stop to piggy-back some free wireless on my iPod touch; check the weather and my email. All I got was one email, but it was very exciting. It was from my old boss David and though extremely short it was good news. In fact all it said was: Amy, We've been invited by Disney USA to submit scripts for the series. D.

Hence the "Oh Shit!" Which was my initial reply to him. It's just shocking, and the last thing I was expecting to hear. Now that I've calmed down a bit I have to ask him what this actually means. And I also have to admit that I haven't been working on my script since last year. Once I stopped to go overseas I never really got started again. FUCK! Talk about screwing up. I've already replied asking him to tell me everything and what is expected, (if anything), of me now at this stage. [Omigod! We've reached another stage!!] But now I have to wait and see what that means.

I shall enjoy the the lift in my spirits for now though, as you can see in my photo. That's also the book I was so supposed to adapt into a script. I have started! But yes I may have shot myself in the foot by giving up so recently. That foot that wanted to get in the door.


dan & phi said...

Yay for you Amy!! Now get cracking on that script and inspire me to start my novel

GarryN said...

That is wonderful news Amy, hope your settling back into writing again.

Square Eyes said...

Thanks for the love Phi Phi! (Long time reader, first time commenter).

If you've got a story idea I say just start writing. I had one recently for a murder mystery. Of course I know the ending and can't help wondering if it's not a little bit predictable or done to death. (Done to Death, great title!)

David sent me an email this morning. He gave me a bit more information but I'm still curious as to whether or not this means any work for me. He did say that there may not be any money in this. He was also saying he was thinking of submitting the story I had been "working" on - though with him writing it. (I don't even know if he remembers what I've done).

Basically it's good news but it's still uncertain. Fuck, fuck, fuck!

Garry- As you can see I'm not even sure there is any work/writing to be getting on with. (Apart from blogging). I suppose I could work on a script but depending when they need them - which is another thing I asked David about - anything I do might be too unprofessional to show the big boys. I'm waiting to see if there's anything I should/could do.

It was exciting and totally unexpected news but now I'm back in limbo. Although now - finally!- there MAY be a faint light at the end of the tunnel.

Thanks for the support guys!