I said "In these shoes? I doubt you'd survive." I said "Honey, let's do it. Let's stay right here."
Do you like them?
I’m not normally the kind of woman who gets excited by a new pair of shoes but these babies – hideous kinky, aren’t they? – got me through work last night. (I’ve been beating myself up before work for not getting on with my scriptwriting). You see they’re a bit extravagant, they’re not everyday shoes by far, so of course I have to justify buying them. (Annoyingly they were surrounded by shoes on sale but there was no red sticker, $10 off, these ones). Well they go well with a new red dress I bought. This dress I plan to wear at my sister’s birthday party next month. It’s fancy dress and I intend to go as Diana Ross, the Supremes Diana. I really feel like being glamorous and girlie at the moment. Just need to feel sexy? I don’t know. A distraction? I was smiling a lot to myself at work thinking how great I’ll look at this party. Singing Supreme songs as I worked, not always softly or in my head.
I was originally going to my sister’s party as the cute Michael Jackson of Jackson Five days. It’s easy to put together a mismatching 70s outfit. In fact last weekend we found a top I could wear at a vintage/recycled clothing store. I bought the top but I was really disappointed to give up on the Diana idea. I told myself this would be cheaper and I couldn’t get the perfect Diana wig I found online because they don’t ship outside of America. Well fuck it! There are ways around that. Being cute is fine but I really want to be sexy. LOL. An ego boost. I’ve been mistaken for a boy and man numerous times, and the last time wasn’t that long ago, so being ultra girlie appeals. Man I feel like a woman. Mind you only in the safe context and fantasy of a dress-up party at my auntie’s house. Not out on the town, God no! (Sorry, Terry I know you want to take me out in that dress. Although, now I have the shoes...maybe). Actually, this red dress was "justified" as something I could wear at an awards ceremony when Go Girl! makes good. "And best script for a children's television show goes to...." (It was also on sale).
I need a distraction. I started reading my script on the tram, the highlighted David version, and I couldn’t get past the first page. The corrections, although made with the best of intentions - (lessons rather than scolding) - and the way I was already feeling about the script, I found it devastating. My ego being kicked one too many times. I’m hoping, it being a new day, I won’t take the criticism so personally once I get back to re-reading my work. I know I have to remind myself this is a style of writing I’m not used to. And if it turns out I’m not good at it that doesn’t mean I’m a bad writer. I can’t stand this false optimism!
David said he’d be busy again in February whether or not that means he’ll have no time to help me I don’t know for sure. I’m letting January get away from me. Shit! I need to get down to some serious work on my script; or just let it go. Sad to say those shoes made me feel better after that tram ride into work. A new job would leave me ecstatic.
January 21 2010
P.S. I meant to add another justification for buying the wig. It's linked to the stuff above, about being mistaken for a man. With that wig - that's on it's way, woo hoo! - I could also pass for a drag queen. I already have my name: Glamour Ross. Perfect, no?
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